2021-09-22 (wed) ASR Field Identification Handbook

- pavement  noun


a hard level surface or path at the side of a road for people to walk on

- take place


to happen, especially after being planned or arranged

- furthermore  adverb


in addition to what has already been said

- distress  noun

苦悩, 心痛 / 疲労

1 a feeling of extreme unhappiness:

2 suffering and problems caused by a lack ofmoney, food etc:

3 great physical pain

- reduction  noun


a decrease in the size, price, or amount of something, or the act of decreasing something

- petrographic  adjective


the branch of science concerned with the composition and properties of rocks.

- confine  verb

〜を限定する / 〜を閉じ込める

1 to keep someone or something within the limits of a particular activity or subject

2 to keep someone in a place that they cannot leave, such as a prison

- consequently  adverb


as a result

- vast  adjective


extremely large

- deterioration  noun


to become worse

- aggregate  noun

集合(体) / 骨材,砂,砂利

1 the total after a lot of different figures or points have been added together

2 sand or small stones that are used in making concrete

- absorb  verb


1 to take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around something

Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.

- swell  verb


1 to become larger and rounder than normal – used especially about parts of the body

Her ankle was already starting to swell.

- deleterious  adjective

damaging or harmful

- hydroxide  noun


a chemical compound that contains an oxygen atom combined with a hydrogen atom

- sodium  noun


a common silver-white metal that usually exists in combination with other substances, for example in salt. It is a chemical element: symbol Na

- potassium  noun


a common soft silver-white metal that usually exists in combination with other substances, used for example in farming. It is a chemical element: symbol K

- component  noun


one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc

- sequence  noun

順序,配列 / 連続

1 the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in


- accumulation

- deformation

- relative

- displacement

- extrusion

- exudation