
the Elephant Whisperer 000

000 ■ herd noun - a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together → flock ■ reintroduce verb - to start using something again or bring something back to an area after it had not been used or had not existed there for some time ■…

DBZ 064 Hide and Seek

■ tremendous I killed Dodoria!! Dodoria, so proud of his tremendous strength!! And it was easy!! ドドリアはしとめた…!あれほどのパワーを誇っていたドドリアをたやすく… ■ jerk It must be that big jerk again… またあの野郎か… ■ vanish Both powe…

DBZ 063 Vegeta vs. Dodoria

■ ambush That was you who ambushed me… wasn't it?! このオレを不意打ちしやがったのは、てめえか。ベジータ…!!(ドドリア) ■ cling It's been a long wait. I thought you'd never stop clinging to Freeza. きさまとザーボンはいつもフリーザとつるんで…

DBZ 061 Son Gohan Snaps!

■ worthless But the Dragon ball are worthless unless we have all seven of them, yes? でもドラゴンボールは7個揃えなければ意味がないのでしょ?(フリーザ) ■ squash ■ punk Squashing a little punk like this'll hardly be any fun at all. こんなガ…

DBZ 060 Ten Seconds of Death

■ wipe The old namekian figured it out -- and wiped out the gadgets!! だからそれを知ったあのナメック人のじいさんがスカウターを全部壊したんだ!!(クリリン) ■ a forest fire Not a "Match"! A forest fire!! オレさまがかなうと思うかだと?おもし…

DBZ 059 Showdown! (ある村の攻防戦)

■ persuad Just when we'd persuaded them to go get us that dragon ball. やっとドラゴンボールを出して頂けるところでしたのに。(フリーザ) ■ disrupt Disrupting the hard-won peace of Namek. ナメックの平和をふみにじりおって!(青年ナメック人) ■ sc…

DBZ 053 Planet Namek, Cold and Dark

■ bumpy Fasten your seatbelts, we're in for a bumpy landing! ベルトをしめなさい、着陸のときけっこう衝撃があるわよ。(ブルマ) ■ atmospheric ■ composition I'll check the atmospheric composition. いま、大気の成分をしらべるわ。(ブルマ) ■ extern…