
DUO Section 06 ~ 07

Section 06 ■ in haste ■ run into ■ deposit ■ curfew ■ proverb Section 07 ■ wind ■ frank ■ consensus ■ somewhat ■ perseverance ■ flatter ■ come up with ■ ingenious ■ sensible ■ objective ■ inferior ■ in practice ■ make up for ■ firsthand ■ …

DUO Section 04 ~ 05

Section 04 ■ inhabitant noun (resident) one of the people who live in a particular place: ■ radiation noun 1. a form of energy that comes especially from nuclear reactions, which in large amounts is very harmful to living things: ■ overloo…

DBZ 068

■ convince You must allow me to convince you. やってみれば分かるさ。思い知るだろうぜ、オレの強さを。(ベジータ) ■ persist ■ defiance Why do you persist in this pointless defiance of master Freeza…? きさま なぜフリーザ様に逆らおうとする…。(…

DUO Section01 ~ 03

■ assure verb 1. to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true so that they are less worried - Her doctor has assured us that she’ll be fine. - The document is genuine, I can assure you. 2. to make something c…

the Elephant Whisperer 000

000 ■ herd noun - a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together → flock ■ reintroduce verb - to start using something again or bring something back to an area after it had not been used or had not existed there for some time ■…

DBZ 064 Hide and Seek

■ tremendous I killed Dodoria!! Dodoria, so proud of his tremendous strength!! And it was easy!! ドドリアはしとめた…!あれほどのパワーを誇っていたドドリアをたやすく… ■ jerk It must be that big jerk again… またあの野郎か… ■ vanish Both powe…

DBZ 063 Vegeta vs. Dodoria

■ ambush That was you who ambushed me… wasn't it?! このオレを不意打ちしやがったのは、てめえか。ベジータ…!!(ドドリア) ■ cling It's been a long wait. I thought you'd never stop clinging to Freeza. きさまとザーボンはいつもフリーザとつるんで…

DBZ 061 Son Gohan Snaps!

■ worthless But the Dragon ball are worthless unless we have all seven of them, yes? でもドラゴンボールは7個揃えなければ意味がないのでしょ?(フリーザ) ■ squash ■ punk Squashing a little punk like this'll hardly be any fun at all. こんなガ…

DBZ 059 Showdown! (ある村の攻防戦)

■ persuad Just when we'd persuaded them to go get us that dragon ball. やっとドラゴンボールを出して頂けるところでしたのに。(フリーザ) ■ disrupt Disrupting the hard-won peace of Namek. ナメックの平和をふみにじりおって!(青年ナメック人) ■ sc…

DBZ 053 Planet Namek, Cold and Dark

■ bumpy Fasten your seatbelts, we're in for a bumpy landing! ベルトをしめなさい、着陸のときけっこう衝撃があるわよ。(ブルマ) ■ atmospheric ■ composition I'll check the atmospheric composition. いま、大気の成分をしらべるわ。(ブルマ) ■ extern…

TOEIC単語 (公式8)

12/4(sun) Test2 Part1 - window shade 「ブラインド、日よけ」 - dust 「〜のほこりを払う」 - sip 「少しずつ飲む」 - bend over 「〜の方向にかがむ」 - bin 「大箱、容器」 - pass through 「通り抜ける」 Part2 - due 「期限が来て」 - assignment 「(…

TOEIC 単語 (金のフレーズ)

11/29(tue) - locate [I was unable to locate the book.] - deserve [deserve a promotion] - duty [main duties of a teacher] - compete [compete with large companies] 11/30(wed) - intended [For whom is the notice intended?] - occasionally [I oc…


- emit verb to send out gas, heat, light, sound etc: - disturb verb to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing: Sorry to disturb you, but I have an urgent message. - tranquil adj pleasantly calm, quiet, and peace…

Formula8 : Test1

- accommodate 〜を収納する、〜に対応する - morale 士気、意気込み - practical 有用な - encourage ~ to do 〜に…するよう奨励する 原義 : 入れる(in) 勇気を(courage) - consumer testimonial お客様の声 - stain 汚れ、しみ 原義 : 着色 派生 : stainle…

- meticulous - applicant - place an order 注文する - complimentary - gala - raise - possibility

ポラリス 情報化社会(1)

- accompany - surface - track - separate - uncover - merely 単なる、ただの - tumble [語源は「踊りまくる」] 自 転ぶ、倒れる 他 を倒す、ひっかり返す 「タンブラー(tumbler)」は、もともと獣の角で作られた器を指し、底が「丸」または「とがって」…

601-700 target1900

- stimulate to encourage or help an activity to begin or develop further the President’s plan to stimulate economicgrowth - enhance to improve something Some say that travelling abroad will enhance your job opportunities. - abandon to leav…

501-600 target1900

- interpret to believe that something someone does or something that happens has a particular meaning We often interpret dreams as a reflection of our true thoughts. - grant to give someone something or allow them to have something that th…


- associate - attempt - observe - estimate - define - contribute - wind - cognitive - willing - stick - emerge - enable - engage - adopt - acquire - convince - recall - organize - address - combine - appreciate - phenomenon - threat - weal…

For the love of europe

P.73 - pomp all the impressive clothes, decorations, music etc that are traditional for an important official or public ceremony: - intimate - beachcombing - gobsmack - quaint - whirlpool - medieval - rustling - vistas - ponder - floss - g…

2021-08-30(sun) ATOMIC HABITS 4. The Man Who Didn't Look Right

- paramedic noun someone who has been trained to help people who are hurt or to do medical work, but who is not a doctor or nurse - undergo verb if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you - s…

Sun Jun 20 2021 前置詞、接続詞

[前置詞] - in addition to 〜に加えて - in regard to - in light of 〜を考慮すると - despite 〜にもかかわらず - in spite of 〜にもかかわらず - except 〜を除いて - due to 〜のために - during - without - between - besides (副詞でもある) 〜に…

Tue, April 20, 2021, 401-700 review

- appropriate - thorough - retain - associate - authorize - initiative - attempt - authority - presence - observe - consist - modify - prescription - undergo - exclusively - preliminary - statistics - excursion - ordinary - assume - modest…

4/18(sun) 401-600

ensure extensive assign valid affordable appropriate storage equip payroll qualified appliance specialize questionnaire contribute promptly evaluate thorough revenue accomplished accordingly profile restore surrounding anticipated premises…

4/10(sat) 601-700

・possess ・sharply ・capture ・heavily ・investigate ・checkout ・prescription ・boost ・preliminary ・sophisticated ・excursion ・assume ・allowance ・innovation ・steadily ・adrquate ・assessment ・attribute ・adapt ・ambitious ・conseq…

4/9(fri) 401-600

・extensive adj 1 large in size, amount, or degree: 2 containing or dealing with a lot of information and details: ・renovate verb to repair a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again: ・certificate noun 1 an officia…

4/8(thu) 501-600

・accomplished ・profile ・motivate ・alert ・consistently ・phase ・premises ・retain ・belongings ・conservation ・workforce ・pastry ・tenant ・workload ・combined ・conclude ・associate ・conflict ・investment ・physician ・implement …

4/4(sun) 401-500

・thorough adj 1 including every possible detail: ・specify verb to state something in an exact and detailed way: ・substatial adj 1 large in amount or number ・eligible adj 1 someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do …

4/4(sun) Russell Westbrook’s Relentless Energy

URL https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/511178/russell-westbrook-leadership-energy-and-intensity-stabilized-wizards/ ・relentless adj 1 strict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping: ○ 2 something bad that is relentless continues…

4/3(sat) article : Lily wishes

URL https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-04-03/lily-wheelchair-disability-truth-relationship-heywire/100016840 ・avert verb 1 to prevent something unpleasant from happening: ・gaze verb 1 to look at someone or something for a long time, giving…