4/4(sun) Russell Westbrook’s Relentless Energy




・relentless  adj

1 strict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping: ○

2 something bad that is relentless continues without ever stopping or getting less severe

・intensity  noun

1 the quality of being felt very strongly or having a strong effect:

2 the quality of being serious and having very strong feelings or opinions:

・acquire  verb

1 (formal) to obtain something by buying it or being given it:

2 to get or gain something:○

・rhetorical question

1 question that you ask as a way of making a statement, without expecting an answer

・underneath  preposition, adverb

1 directly under another object or covered by it:○

2 on the lower surface of something:

・grin verb

1 to smile widely:

・tumultuous  adj

1 full of activity, confusion, or violence:○

2 very loud because people are happy and excited:


1 a coloured line, especially one that is not straight or has been made accidentally:

3 a period of time during which you continue to be successful or to fail:○

・hover  verb

1 if a bird, insect, or helicopter hovers, it stays in one place in the air:

2 to stay nervously in the same place, especially because you are waiting for something or are not certain what to do:

・credit  verb

1 to add money to a bank account:

2 to believe or admit that someone has a quality, or has done something good:○

・polarize  verb

to divide into clearly separate groups with opposite beliefs, ideas, or opinions, or to make people do this:

・precede  verb

1 to happen or exist before something or someone, or to come before something else in a series

・privilege  verb

to treat some people or things better than others

・accountable  adj

responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them

・drain  verb

1 to make the water or liquid in something flow away:

2 to make someone feel very tired and without any energy:○

・regardless  adverb

1 without being affected or influenced by something:

・intense  adj

1 having a very strong effect or felt very strongly:

2 intense activity is very serious, uses a lot of effort, and often involves doing a great deal in a very short time:

・dope  noun

very good:

・liken  verb

to say that someone or something is similar to another person or thing

・similarity  noun

if there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way

・determination  noun

1 the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult:

2 the act of deciding something officially

3 formal the act of finding the exact level, amount, or cause of something:○

・bother  verb

1 to make theeffort to do something:

2 to make someone feel slightly worried, upset, or concerned:○

・evolve  verb

1 if an animal or plant evolves, it changes gradually over a long period of time:

2 to develop and change gradually over a long period of time:○

・determine  verb

1 to find out the facts about something:

4 to decide to do something:○

・beyond  preposition, adverb

1 on or to the further side of something:

2 later than a particular time, date etc:

3 more or greater than a particular amount, level, or limit:

・throughout  preposition, adverb

1 in every part of a particular area, place etc:

2 during all of a particular period, from the beginning to the end:

・specifically  adverb

1 relating to or intended for one particular type of person or thing only:

2 in a detailed or exact way:

・describe  verb

1 to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them:

・stalwart  noun

someone who is very loyal to a particular organization or set of ideas, and works hard for them:

・approachable  adj

friendly and easy to talk to

・obviously  adverb

used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood

・endorse verb

1 to express formal support or approval for someone or something: