30 days to better habits

- repetition : 名 何度も繰り返すこと、反復

doing or saying the same thing many times

- implicit : 形 それとなく示された、暗黙の

suggested or understood without being stated directly

- assumption : 名 仮定、想定

something that you think is true although you have no definite proof

- cross : 〜を横切る

- principle : 名 主義、信念

a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave

- cultivate : <土地>を耕す /<技能など>を養う

to prepare and use land for growing crops and plants

- expectation : 名 予期 / 期

what you think or hope will happen

- comprehensive : 形 包括的な / 総合的な

including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that need to be dealt with

- implement : <計画など>を実行する

to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen

- complementary : 形 補完的な、〜を補う

complementary things go well together, although they are usually different

- intentionally : 副 故意に、わざと

intentional : done deliberately and usually intended to cause harm

- accountability : 説明する責任

accountable : responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them

- ally : 同盟国 / 協力者・味方

• a country that agrees to help or support another country in a war

• someone who helps and supports you when other people are trying to oppose you

- determine : <事実など>を特定する、決定する

to find out the facts about something

- wealth : 富、財産

a large amount of money, property etc that a person or country owns

- compound : 化合物 / 〜をさらに複雑にする / 〜を複利で払う

・ a substance containing atoms from two or more elements

・ to make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems

 to pay interest that is calculated on both the sum of money and the interest

- gratitude : <人への>感謝

the feeling of being grateful

- attitude : 態度、姿勢

the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is shown in your behaviour

- confidently : 副 自信を持って

confident : sure that something will happen in the waythat you want or expect