Two-minute Rule

- convince 

1 to make someone feel certain that something is true:

When you think about the change you want to make, your excitement and motivation can convince you to do too much, too soon.

- tidy

1 a room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatlyarranged with everything in the right place

“Keep the house tidy” becomes “put one item of dirty clothing in the laundry.”

- tendecy  傾向、風潮

1 if someone or something has a tendency to do or become a particular thing, they are likely to do or become it:

The Two- Minute Rule helps counterbalance our tendency to bite off more than we can chew.

- worthwhile

if something is worthwhile, it is important or useful, or you gain something from it:

- gateway

the opening in a fence, wall etc that can be closed by a gate

You’re trying to build a “gateway habit” for a larger behavior or bigger ambition that you’re ultimately working toward.

- moderately

1 fairly, but not very

Learning to play the scales is moderately difficult.

- hype  〜を誇大広告する、〜をだます

(noun) attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc – used to show disapproval

(verb) to try to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc → promote

People often think it’s weird to get hyped about putting on your shoes.

- reclaim

1 to get back an amount of money that you have paid

He reclaimed his fitness habit and began exercising consistently.

- rep

6 one exercise that you do in a series of exercises

Do 15 reps of each exercise.

- standardization  標準化

to make all the things of one particular type the same as each other:

As I say in Atomic Habits: standardization before optimization.